Aktuelle Neuigkeiten
Neue Publikation: Exploring intergenerational differences in consumer acceptance of insects-fed farmed fish
Available free of charge at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodqual.2024.105165
Trentinaglia, M. T., Adler, M., Peri, M., Panzone, L., & Baldi, L. (2024). Exploring intergenerational differences in consumer acceptance of insects-fed farmed fish. Food Quality and Preference, 117, 105165.
This study delves into the multi-faceted process of consumer acceptance of innovative food products, such as insect-fed farmed fish. This is a food product that introduces new, though potentially conflicting, intangible attributes aligning with circularity and sustainability but also evoking negative emotions, such as disgust or neophobia. Drawing from two distinct studies on young and older Italian consumers, we employ an intergenerational lens to explore individual psychometric characteristics, socio-demographic variables, and nudging effects in shaping the acceptance process. We apply the Campbell Paradigm, integrating three acceptance items into well-established scales measuring attitudes towards the environment and nature.
Our results reveal that environmental protection inclination, rather than a connectedness to nature, primarily drives acceptance. Notably, young consumers exhibit a more facile acceptance process, indicating lower behavioral costs at each stage. Sociodemographic variables, particularly gender, exert varied influences on acceptance stages, with older women displaying greater hesitancy in adopting new dietary practices. Additionally, exploring the impact of nudges, we find that information significantly influences acceptance, while visual priming does not. Interestingly, the effectiveness of information varies between generations, indicating different reactions and responses.
The findings propose strategies for policymakers and marketers to highlight the positive attributes of insects-fed farmed fish, emphasizing sustainability and addressing consumer disgust concerns. Introducing insects as feed in various farming practices may enhance familiarity with this alternative protein source, potentially reducing disgust and fostering widespread acceptance.
-Exploring Intergenerational Variances in Acceptance of Novel Foods.
-Socio-Demographic Nuances: Unpacking Influences on Insects-Fed Farmed Fish Acceptance.
-Psychological Drivers: A Rasch Model Analysis of Environmental Attitudes in Novel Food Adoption.
Interview mit tageschau 24: Gibt es eine „Eco Gender Gap“ wirklich?
Gibt es eine „Eco Gender Gap“ wirklich? Diese Frage wollte unsere Kollegin Juliane Bücker für die Klimazeit auf tagesschau24 beantworten.
In einer Reanalyse der von Bauske et al. (2022) aufbereiteten Daten der Umweltbewusstseinsstudie 2018 und verschiedener eigener Datensätze findet sich konsistent ein kleiner Effekt: Frauen haben eine signifikant höhere Umwelteinstellung als Männer.
Die Sendung zeigt viele spannende Perspektiven zu Gendergerechtigkeit und Umweltschutz auf ist noch bis zum 25.03.24 in der Mediathek.
Neue Publikation: Die Kluft zwischen Dringlichkeit und Umsetzbarkeit der Klimapolitik – am Beispiel des CO2-Preises
Der Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen muss massiv verringert werden. Andernfalls wird der Klimawandel Menschen auf der ganzen Welt hart treffen. Allerdings ist nur eine Minderheit derzeit bereit, wirksamen Klimaschutz mitzutragen. Wie kann Klimapolitik aussehen, die Mehrheiten zum Klimaschutz bewegt?
Darüber schreiben Ronja Gerdes und Florian G. Kaiser in der aktuellen Ausgabe des In-Mind Magazins.
Gerdes, R. & Kaiser, F. G. (2024). Die Kluft zwischen Dringlichkeit und Umsetzbarkeit der Klimapolitik – am Beispiel des CO2-Preises [The gap between urgency and practicability in climate policy - the CO2-price example]. In-Mind, Heft 1, Beitrag 4.
Einladung: Kolloquium mit Dr. Michael A. Ranney
Wir laden wir herzlich zu einem gemeinsamen Kolloqium mit der Abteilung Umweltpsychologie ein!
Unser Gast Dr. Michael A. Ranney wird einen Vortrag mit dem Titel "Twelve Brief, Experimentally-Vetted, No-Polarization Ways to Reduce Denial of Human-Caused Global Warming" halten.
Wann? 30. August, 13 - 15 Uhr
Wo? G22A-113 (OVGU Hauptcampus)
Neue Publikation: A general explanation for environmental policy support: An example using carbon taxation approval in Germany
Available free of charge at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2023.102066
Gerdes, R., Bauske, E. & Kaiser, F. G. (2023). A general explanation for environmental policy support: An example using carbon taxation approval in Germany. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 90, 102066.
In democratic societies, public support is crucial for the success of climate change mitigation policies. In this article, we present a parsimonious explanation—grounded in the Campbell paradigm—for explicit approval of environmental policies based on two forces: (a) an individual's commitment to environmental protection (i.e., people's environmental attitudes) and (b) the figurative costs entailed by a specific policy. We tested this model with carbon tax variants and data from German samples from four different sociocultural conditions (Ntotal = 8,166). The results showed that only a minority (36%) were sufficiently committed to environmental protection to approve of a carbon tax regardless of its specific details. Even the most favorable tax level and use of revenue achieved an approval rate of only 48%. Regional differences and interactions among the carbon taxation specifications turned out to be negligible. Overall, our results corroborate the generalizability of the proposed environmental policy support model.
-Carbon tax approval originates in people's commitment to environmental protection.
-Policies' attributes (e.g., revenue use) control approval rates as costs and yields.
-Only 36% of people approve of carbon taxation irrespective of the specific details.
-Even the most favorable carbon tax variant achieved an approval rate of only 48%.
-More complex models do not necessarily lead to superior explanation or prediction.