Embodied and Embedded Computing

 0PM42 Embodied and Embedded Computing

Embodied and embedded computing aims to convey advanced knowledge and understanding of the complex relation between mind and technology, in the context of current technology-dense environments: from laptops, mobile phones, and PDA's, to ambient intelligence, smart homes, and augmented reality. A central issue is the understanding of technological products, systems, and environments, studied from the perspective of perception, cognitive science and ergonomics. Students will need to become familiar with the skill of translating analytical knowledge into understanding, designing, and evaluating technological systems and environments.


  • Systematic analysis of human interactions with products, systems, and environments in the context of perception, cognition, action, and communication.
  • Human experience and interactive behavior in various contexts of use: situated interaction, ambient intelligence.
  • Introduction to advanced technological environments, and their related human factors challenges and potential solutions: virtual reality, smart homes, ubiquitous computing, augmented reality.

Philosophical and ethical considerations of technologies that may extend the mind beyond its familiar biological boundaries.

Letzte Änderung: 28.03.2024 - Ansprechpartner: