New Publication: The gap between urgency and practicability in climate policy - the CO2-price example

20.03.2024 -  

Greenhouse gas emissions must be massively reduced. Otherwise, climate change will hit people all over the world severely. However, only a minority is currently supportive of effective climate protection. What can climate policy look like that motivates majorities to protect the climate?

Ronja Gerdes and Florian G. Kaiser write about this in the current issue of the In-Mind magazine.


Gerdes, R. & Kaiser, F. G. (2024). Die Kluft zwischen Dringlichkeit und Umsetzbar­keit der Klimapolitik – am Beispiel des CO2-Preises [The gap between urgency and practicability in climate policy - the CO2-price example]. In-Mind, Issue 1, Article 4.

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